I really, really love design & art that fits my eyes, mind & heart. And the sence it gives me. When things are at the right place. Or not. 


I divide my work in two parts: Graphic Design & Art. Sometimes I combine the two. 

GRAPHIC DESIGN (print design): I do and have done work for companies as Bukowskis, the Dance Museum, Folksam and KPA Pension.

Also for small galleries and interesting people. 

ARTLOVE: I constantly walk around looking for great art. Under the Intagramprofile "curiousartwalker" I find and deliver art for myself and clients.


I have done Graphic Design for over 20 years for various clients as Bukowskis, Folksam, Järna Mejeri, IdentitetsAkademin, the Dance Museeum, KPA Pension, Galleri Frendberg, Polisförbundet, Multiform, Pensionsvalet, Mia Hultman, PoweredBy, Förenade Liv, Svenskt Näringliv and more.

Please contact me to see what I can do for YOU: 


I really love the feeling you can get from art that speaks both to your mind and heart. As the "curiousartwalker", I constantly look for great art. For myself and for clients that like and trust my arteyes.

Please follow me on Instagram to see my taste:

Send an email!

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